Over ons

Onze salon


Welkom bij Body Unique, waar wij de nieuwste technologieën en inzichten op het gebied van lichaamsverjonging en gezondheid aanbieden. Gelegen in het bruisende Amsterdam, bieden wij een unieke en betoverende ervaring in onze salon.

Onze missie is simpel: wij willen jou een unieke ervaring geven bij Body Unique. Onze behandelingen beginnen altijd met een persoonlijk intakegesprek om te begrijpen wie jij bent, wat jouw doelen zijn en welke vragen je hebt. Samen stellen we een stappenplan op om jouw gewenste resultaat te bereiken.

Bij Body Unique werken we alleen met veilige, niet-operatieve behandelingen. Wij geloven dat jouw algehele fitheid en gezondheid net zo belangrijk zijn als oppervlakkige cosmetische behandelingen, daarom bieden wij ook personal training aan.

Onze salon biedt een unieke combinatie van cosmetische behandelingen en personal training, die je samen of individueel kunt ervaren. Wij zijn jouw partner voor een gezonde en stralende toekomst. Kom naar Body Unique en ervaar zelf hoe wij jouw schoonheidsdoelen en gezondheidswensen kunnen realiseren.

Wat maakt onze salon unique


Wat anderen zeggen

Gamze Bulduk
Google review
I have been fighting the kilos for quite some time now and now after 3 months, under the guidance of dear Angela, I have finally almost achieved my goal! Thanks to the Emerald green laser treatment, I have lost 4 kilos in 3 months. I have become toned and can wear my old pants again! How chill is that? What I also like is that after my treatment I can exercise for an hour in the salon. Angela is professional and friendly. I definitely want to continue until the summer! Good job guys! Thank you 🙂
Ahmet Yaman
Google review
I started my treatment at Body Unique in early January 2024 and have now lost 7 kg! The guidance from Emin and Angela is excellent. They ask questions carefully, make time for personal attention and make adjustments where necessary. I have the feeling that they really have knowledge and the results speak for themselves. They also have a beautiful location for treatments where you can also train!
Manika Weber
Google review
Today I had my 5th Emerald Green laser treatment and I am already starting to see a difference! The treatment is completely painless. Very neat, clean salon. The owner is very friendly and gives good explanations about the treatment. She also gives good tips regarding nutrition. I'm already looking forward to my next treatment 🙂
Meral Ozdemir
Google review
After several visits to this salon, I can confidently say that my experience at this salon has been phenomenal! The professional and friendly approach of the staff, combined with the advanced technologies, has made my journey to a healthy and slim body extremely comfortable. Very satisfied with the results and the care they provide. A five-star experience that I continue to recommend with pleasure!
Žaklina Stanković
Google review
Work in an Unique way on yourself 2 improve the way U Feel. Most happy about the progress and professional guidance.
Google review
Body Unique, the name says it all, you feel Unique. You no longer have to go to the gym endlessly and have more time for other things. Thank you 💪🏻